Our Bull Sale Catalogue is now available!
Coulee Crest Herefords
Raising Quality Hereford Cattle Since 1944
Demand the Brand of Quality
Coulee Crest Herefords
Raising Quality Hereford Cattle Since 1944
Demand the Brand of Quality
Our Bull Sale Catalogue is now available!
Raising Quality Hereford Cattle Since 1944
Demand the Brand of Quality
Raising Quality Hereford Cattle Since 1944
Demand the Brand of Quality
We have collected accurate records of herd performance information, including birth weights, for over 40 years.
The farm is located approximately 60 miles (100km) north of Calgary, near the town of Bowden.
From Bowden travel 7 miles (11km) East to Range Road 281, then 2 miles (3.2km) South and 0.5 miles (0.8km) East.
28050 Township Road 342, Red Deer County, Alberta, Canada
Home #: 403-227-2259 Randy's Cell: 403-588-6160 Luke's Cell: 403- 506- 6295 Fax: 403-227-5278 Email: couleecrestfarm@gmail.com
Coulee Crest Farms
28050 Township Road 342, Red Deer County, Alberta, Canada T0M0K0